workout gear

Treat Yo’ Self!

You know how they say things like “dress to impress,” “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” and “you’re never fully dressed without a smile?” Just kidding about the last one but actually it kind of still works!

If you’re looking for motivation, get some new gym clothes! If you put on sweat pants, a baggy t shirt and your old sneakers, you’ll feel like laying around, not going to the gym! But if you’ve got on a good pair of tennis shoes, a new sports bra and a bright, fun t-shirt, you will probably feel more ready to go! I got three new sports bras at Target the other day and I seriously can’t wait to wear them all! Plus they were on clearance – BAM!  I also really like their V-neck tees, I like them loose but not super baggy and the V neck is more feminine than that XXL shirt they gave out at the last fair you went to.

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Pretty colors!!!

Pretty colors!!!

So next time you’re feeling a little blahh, go out and get that new sports bra girlfriend! Or for the guys, go out and get that new pair of shorts! (no idea)

Here’s to livin’ the dream!
